SpotPass Archival Project / 3DS Guide (NAND Dump)

WARNING: This guide is for advanced users only. It is intended to be a last resort for if you cannot physically use the system or just happen to have an old NAND backup lying around.


  1. Obtain a NAND dump of your system.
  2. Download Autocopy to your PC and run pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies.
  3. Run it using python3 and follow the on-screen directions, entering the path to your NAND when prompted.
    • If you experience any issues with the guided interface or need more options, you may use it as a regular CLI program. Run python3 --help for more information.
  4. If all goes right, you should end up with partitionA.bin in the same folder the NAND is located in.
  5. Autocopy will ask you if you wish to upload the file to the SpotPass Archival Project. Press "y" and then press enter to upload.
  6. If the upload fails or you are otherwise unable to upload the file, submit your dump using the green link below.
Continue to: Submit Dump